Information about Lappia

Competence from the North
Kemi-Tornionlaakso Municipal Education and Training Consortium Lappia maintains the Lappia Vocational College and owns Lappia-Education Ltd development service company. There are about 4900 students in Lappia and about 340 employees.
The operating area of Lappia covers 30 per cent of Finland’s surface area. We have offices in Kemi, in Loue in Tervola, in Muonio, Rovaniemi and Tornio. We also carry out various training courses elsewhere in Finland and serve customers across the border to Sweden and Norway. For companies and communities, we organise training opportunities according to their needs.
Lappia-Education Ltd – Learning Through Life
We develop new service products for the needs of the working life. We are customer-oriented, we provide quality services agilely and safely. Most of our training services are labour market training and other market-oriented training services.
Our vision is to be the most agile, the best known and the best quality developer of expertise in our region in 2023.
Our key services include:
- continuing education and development services
- career and recruitment services
- license, qualification, and card training courses
- mapping the skills needed
- Lappia Driving School services